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Article: Price Of Tulips During Tulip Mania?

Tulip Mania Amsterdam Tulip Museum Price Graph

Price Of Tulips During Tulip Mania?

Tulip Prices Tulip Mania Amsterdam Tulip Museum Price Spike

The most expensive Tulip Bulb ever sold was the Semper Augustus. Reliable historical sources show that a contract for a single bulb sold for 5,200 Guilders at the height of Tulip Mania, more than three times the typical yearly earnings of an Amsterdam merchant at the time.

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Tulip Fields Holland Red Yellow

The Biggest Growers Of Tulips Today?

Despite the flower originating in the mountains of Central Asia, Tulip production today is dominated by the Netherlands, which despite its small size grows and ships over half (60%) of the world's...

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Tulip Varieties 6-panel Red White Yellow Pink Purple Parrot

Different Kinds Of Tulips

Thousands of different types of Tulips exist. There is so much variety that growers have had to develop a complex classification system looking at shape, bloom season, heritage, etc.! In fact, th...

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